It has been suggested that 'pquijal' be pronounced in the following ways:
  • kwi‧'zhäl
  • p&‧'kwE‧jül
Pquijal is simply random letters. I created it years ago when I played Final Fantasy VII and was given the option to come up with my own name for Cloud. I closed my eyes, mashed the Playstation controller, and that's what I got.
Glen Trgovic:
"clean, crisp, not to much going on, professional, just simple"
Comment Script - Used for the awesome, lightweight comment script used on anywhere on this site other than the gallery and uBlog.

Breadcrumbs PHP Class v. 2.4.2 - Used in the breadcrumb links found in the post archives of my old blog on this site.

Flash Video Player by Jeroen Wijering

Riva FLV Encoder

Title Graphic - Pquijal.com title graphic created by Chris Chilcoat.

Site Code - Some site code and page data organization ideas were provided by Rob Partridge.

Additional - Thanks to Erik Ferguson for all of his input.
Eh, I don't know. Knowledge is free. Ideas are homogeneous. I did a lot of work on this site during 2006.
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